Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you for your interest in our private club. We can’t answer any further questions until we meet face to face, so please be patient and follow the instructions:

● First, come to the club, ask for Amanda and show her this message.

● Then, show any government issued ID to prove that you are a legal adult 18+ (passport, drivers license or national identification). Photocopies are not accepted.

● You don’t need further confirmation, so stop wondering and come to the club.


Merci de votre intérêt pour notre club privé. Nous ne pouvons pas répondre à aucune autre question avant de nous rencontrer en personne. Veuillez patienter et suivre les instructions:

● D’abord, viens au club, demande à Amanda et montre-lui ce message.

● Ensuite, montrez une pièce d’identité émise par le gouvernement pour prouver que vous êtes un adulte majeur de plus de 18 ans (passeport, permis de conduire ou pièce d’identité nationale). Les photocopies ne sont pas acceptés.

● Vous n’avez pas besoin d’une confirmation supplémentaire, alors n’hésitez pas et venez au club de maintenant.


Grazie per il vostro interesse nel nostro club privato. Non possiamo rispondere a ulteriori domande finché non ci incontriamo faccia a faccia, quindi sii paziente e segui le istruzioni:

● Per prima cosa, vieni al club, chiedi per Amanda e mostrali questo messaggio.

● Poi, mostra un documento di identità rilasciato da un governo per dimostrare di essere un adulto 18 enne legale (passaporto, patente di guida o documento d’identità nazionale). Le fotocopie non sono permesse.

● Non hai bisogno di ulteriori conferme, quindi puoi vienire al club da adesso.

Find out more

● Annual membership fee: €20

● Please visit this Cannabis Club Guide to clarify any doubts you may have.

● Visit this blog to stay tuned for information and education regarding all things cannabis!

Find out more

● Annual membership fee: €20

● Please visit the Cannabis Club Guide to clarify any doubts you may have.

● Visit this blog to stay tuned for information and education regarding all things cannabis!

Address & Opening Hours

Click here

Address & Opening Hours

Click here